Let's Lead the Mental Health Medical A.I Platform
partner hospitals
Research and commercialization to present a mental health medical paradigm for treating mental illness and managing brain health
Easy Brain
● Nationwide branches

Department of Medicine

Medical Team
Easy Brain Gangnam Main Branch Medical Staff
Director Lee Jae-won
M.D./Ph.D. for brain engineering
Current) CEO of Easy Brain Gangnam Main Branch
- Completed psychiatry at Seoul Asan Medical Center
- Obtained a doctorate in bio and brain engineering from KAIST
- President of the Quantitative EEG and Neuromodulation Research Society
- Former) Professor at Gangnam Eulji Hospital, Eulji University
- Former) Director of the Medical Department/Director of the Brain Function Research Institute, Gongju National Hospital
- Director of the Korean Society of Addiction Psychiatry
- Listed in the Marquis World Biographical Dictionary (2014-2019)
- Appeared in numerous overseas media outlets including the BBC in the UK and CNN in the US
Every human being has the right to be happy.
Easy Brain promises comfortable brain treatment.